LOS ANGELES — ClickCastX debuted its adult turnkey VOD system today.

The company said the product allows users to manage and publish videos to their own stand-alone VOD theater paysite.

Content solutions include batch uploading and encoding, editing and Smarty templates. Video streams are powered by Red 5, Ankeena Media Server or Wowza Flash Media Server.

ClickCast said that unlike other current VOD models where content owners partner with an established company, its system allows owners to receive “the lion’s share of the revenue,” adding that the product’s built-in billing also allows for affiliate splits. The offering was created by industry veteran Claude Lai, CEO of Adult Industry Solutions, a software company that specializes in content management systems.

“Times are tough and companies are looking for new revenue streams. ClickCastX is an easy to use, very affordable program that offers pay-per-view, pay-per-minute and pay-per-download options with built in billing, making the whole process fully automated,” Lai said.

The company added that ClickCastX is a dynamic script written to evolve with latest changes in technology and new updated features and modules will soon be available.